Many Members also questioned if an owners corporation itself is required to have a COVIDSafe Plan in place? And does it apply in the instance five or more contractors attend site at any given time or does the five or more trigger need to be from the same contractor/employer?
Business Victoria has now answered this question quite clearly, advising:
Yes. A COVIDSafe plan will be required by the building operator, since this is a work premises with five or more workers. The entire building constitutes the ‘work premises’, so the fact that the workers are spread across the building does not change the fact that there are five or more workers on site at a work premises.
As an industry position, SCAV encourages all OCs to establish a COVIDSafe Plan to ensure, in the unfortunate event of an emergency, fire or burst pipe, where it may be necessary to have five or more contractors on site urgently you are prepared and ready to go.
Remember in metropolitan Melbourne under the current Stage 4 restrictions a COVIDSafe Plan must be implemented should essential or urgent work be carried out on site. So be prepared for the unexpected. Fines apply, excuses wont.
In addition, ensuring a COVIDSafe Plan is established at all sites will ensure the correct training, equipment, response and coordination is in place if and when an outbreak should occur.
You can access the answers to some of the questions raised above and other COVIDSafe Plan questions, including Do I need to have a COVIDSafe Plan?, here
You also have access to guidance on the COVIDSafe Plan and a copy of a COVIDSafe Plan template here on the Business Victoria website https://www.business.vic.gov.au/disputes-disasters-and-succession-planning/covid-safe-business/covid-safe-plan
Remember too SCAV also provides a Guide that includes a checklist to assist you and your OC Committee’s assess and determine the facilities of an owners corporation that should be considered as part of your plan. You can access this SCAV Guide for Committee’s here https://219f6dfc-0cec-4cec-a74e 08f4880ac7fc.filesusr.com/ugd/9557d6_1f41bbf9092c409faca024f02bf45cb2.pdf