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Easing of Restrictions Deferred


On Sunday 21 June, our Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, confirmed that the easing of restrictions for our state, is deferred until 19 July under the current State of Emergency.

For our Strata Workforce, this means continuing to work from home where-ever possible until the end of July, continuing to replace face to face meetings with virtual options and acting to minimise risks among OCs and their residents, under the current restrictions.

We recognise these measures are designed to slow the spread of the coronavirus and keep us all safe.

It is therefore essential that any advice you offer to your OCs keeps this factor in mind. Particularly when considering whether or not to re-open or keep their shared facilities closed.

As suggested on Friday, it is up to the Strata sector to read between the lines of all rules and decisions made, to determine what they mean for our community spaces.

Read on to identify what SCAV believes as relevant to your Owners Corporations, Record Keeping requirements and which workplaces and premises need to keep records under the current restrictions.

  1. A density rule of 4 square metres per person is applicable for cinemas, gyms, retail and hospitality.

  2. Swimming Pools - Limit of 20 people indoor & outdoor swimming pools and common change rooms/ablutions are open. Social distancing 1.5 meters applies in the pool area as well as in the change room. Increase cleaning as appropriate.

  3. Gym/community exercise areas - Limit of 20 people (subject to the 4 square meter rule)

  4. Outdoor exercise areas - keep 1.5 metres between people and there are no more than 20 people participating, or no more than 10 participants in a class.

Record keeping requirements

To support contact tracing, some businesses, workplaces and premises must request that each person who attends the premise for more than 15 minutes (including staff) provide:

  • First name

  • Phone number

Businesses must keep a record of those details, and the date and time at which the person attended the facility. Where the patrons spend most of their time in a single space (i.e. a dining room, or a cinema), a record of the space used should also be kept. There is no need to keep multiple records if patrons move through multiple spaces. Records can be kept electronically or in hard copy. Records should be kept for 28 days.

Pens used to record details should be wiped with an alcohol wipe between users.

Which workplaces and premises need to keep records?

Based on the requirement for Businesses and activities, if your Owners Corporation has any of these features, you will need to maintain a record of who has used the facility:

  • Pool/spa

  • Community facility

  • Gym

  • Hosting an event (like a meeting)

Visit the Business Victoria coronavirus support website or call the Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15 for more information.

Guidance and action for your Owners Corporations and their Committee

This Guide has also been updated from our Member Update on Friday 19 June.

OC Managers should be in consultation with their Committees. Committee’s should be encouraged to make informed decisions that aim to continue to reduce the health risks to residents as we come through this stage and move back to a new type of normal.

SCAV has produced a guide to step you through what you need to consider and, that can be shared with your Committee's. Allowing you to consult, take action and make the best decisions for each of your OCs. You can access this guide here:


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