The Building Confidence Report (BCR), published in 2018, identified there were regulatory and compliance deficiencies in the regulatory oversight of the construction of commercial buildings (Class 2 – 9 buildings) in Australia.

Recommendation 7 of the BCR is: That each jurisdiction makes public its audit strategy for regulatory oversight of the construction of commercial buildings, with annual reporting on audit findings and outcomes.
This survey relates to auditing of commercial buildings only. It invites you to provide your views about reporting on auditing strategies, activities and outcomes.
It asks how reporting of this type of information would impact compliance with state and territory legislation, the National Construction Code (NCC) and Australian Standards, how auditing information should be reported and what the associated benefits or disadvantages of increased reporting about auditing may be.
Please note when taking the survey, it asks “Which best describes your industry sector?”, strata is not listed so please select Other. It is essential that OC Managers complete this survey to ensure we are considered a major stakeholder when auditing and reporting building outcomes.
OC management is often othered from construction, therefore we need to keep advocating for recognition of the link between construction of a building and management of that same building.
The BCR notes that this recommendation does not mean that the auditing and oversight of domestic buildings is not necessary. They suggest any outcomes evidenced by the survey data may be replicated and/or enhanced in a residential environment.
Take the Survey here
The survey closes 11:59PM AEST Tuesday 14 July 2020.