In discussions with Paul Jerome of Emergency Management Consultancy Services, the answer was made simple. Consider the reasons why it is becoming mandatory to wear masks, the risk of contracting the virus and the risk of potential spread while we aren’t even aware that we may have the virus. Take into consideration the close proximity with which we may meet others in the common areas and our inability to physically distance at any and all times…which option would you rather?
While the DHHS guide may be sending mixed messages about the right of those in isolation to move through and use of common areas, the DHHS COVID Directions Strategic Coordination and Operations department provided the below directive.
Individuals must wear a face covering when leaving home including in hallways and non-private spaces, unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so (e.g. children under the age of 12 years, a person who is affected by a relevant medical condition etc). Further information in respect of wearing face coverings is available here.
Other FAQ’s and the Multi-dwelling properties with shared facilities guidelines can be accessed on the DHHS website here https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/apartments-and-multi-dwelling-properties-coronavirus-covid-19#multi-dwelling-properties-with-shared-facilities-guidelines.
If you need assistance in accessing masks, gloves or hand sanitiser, please contact admin.vic@strata.community.