The Victorian Premier released a statement yesterday, advising Victorian’s of the staged reopening of cafes, restaurants and pubs

A crucial step towards saving jobs and restoring local communities.
If you’re an OC Manager this may impact the management of your properties that include these venue types. Public bars, gaming areas and food courts (other than takeaway) will remain closed. From 1 June, these venues, while maintaining social distancing of staff and guests, increased cleaning regimes and personal health management of their staff, will be able to open their doors to serve meals. From 1 June they may serve up to 20 people at a time per enclosed space. From June 22, this may lift to 50 people. From the second half of July, 100 people.
How these easing restrictions will impact an OC, is dependent on how the public and staff access the venue and its facilities, i.e. through the use of doors, door handles, entrance ways, lifts and lift surfaces and/or shared bathrooms. With the increased risk for potential spread of the virus, through contaminated surfaces, current cleaning regimes will need to be reviewed. The Government recognises that more work will need to be done to ascertain minimum requirements.
Residential OCs
“5 people to visit homes and 10 guests using outdoor spaces”
For all residential OCs, the current measures permit residents to have 5 people visit their home and 10 guests when using available outdoor spaces. You should continue to encourage residents to advise their OC, if they or one of their guests is identified with the virus. Maintain increased cleaning regimes and continue to keep closed access to gyms, pools etc.
If you can stay at home, stay home
With regards to your personal working environment, the message to Victorian’s remains: If you can stay home, stay home. If you can work from home, you must work from home.
This advocates that it is still a ‘no’ to the holding of physical meetings.
Remember too, that the proposed easing of restrictions is “not a done deal” and will depend on consistent evidence to inform our Premier’s decisions. SCAV will keep you updated on these details as they come to hand.