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SCA (Vic) AGM Notice

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Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Strata Community Association (Vic) Incorporated will be held:

DATE: Wednesday 15 November 2023
TIME: 11:00am (Registration from 10:30am)
VENUE: Online via Strata Vote Platform

This notice, dated 23 October 2023, is given pursuant to the Constitution on the instructions and authority of the Board. 

In accordance with the Constitution, no business may be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum of members is present, either personally or by proxy, when the meeting proceeds to consideration of business. The quorum for a General Meeting is the presence (physically, by proxy or one fifth (1/5) of the Members entitled to vote. 

If a quorum is not present within 30 minutes after the start time to which a General Meeting has been adjourned to commence, the Members present in the meeting (if not fewer than 10) may proceed with the business of the meeting as if a quorum were present.

If you cannot attend - PROXY FORM

If you are unable to attend the Annual General Meeting, please complete a Proxy Form and email it to by 11:00am Monday 13 November 2023. As per the Corporations Act 2001, for a proxy to be effective it must be received within 48 hours before the meeting. If you would like to register your apologies, please note this in your email or via the button below in the RSVP section. 

If you will attend - RSVP

To assist with our preparations, if you will be attending the meeting, please register your attendance by below (as you would register for an event) by close of business on Monday 13 November 2023.  This will enable us to email you the link to the online meeting.


The following documents are included herewith for your attention:

  1. Information Sheet (Board election and Charter, appointing a proxy and voting rights)

  2. Agenda

  3. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held 30/11/2022

  4. Appendix “A” - Annual President’s Report for 2022-23

  5. Appendix “B” - Audited Financial Statements

  6. Appendix “C” - Proposed Budget for 2023-24

  7. Appendix "D" - Special Resolutions

  8. Proxy Form

  9. SCA (Vic) Board Nominees

We look forward to your support for the Annual General Meeting and hope to see you online. 

Please don’t hesitate to contact the SCA Vic office on (03) 9416 4688 should you have any queries. 


Susan Chandler
General Manager
Strata Community Association (Vic) Inc.

23 October 2023


Board Nomination Form

Conflict of Interest Form

Conflict of Interest Policy

Board Charter

AGM Zoom Details

© 2024 by SCA Ltd

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