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SCA (Vic) Membership Criteria

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Membership Criteria and Information

Lot Definition for Strata Management Company Membership


An occupiable lot is defined as a residential or business lot - dwelling.

A non-occupiable lot is defined as a lot, other than a residential or business lot, including without limitation restricted lots, accessory lots, carparks, and storage cages.


  1. Where an owner is registered as the proprietor of a dwelling lot and a non-occupiable lot in an owners corporation, then the non-occupiable lot(s) is not counted towards total lots under management for the purpose of membership category and fee;

  2. Where an owner is registered as the proprietor of a non-occupiable lot and that owner is not registered as the proprietor of a dwelling lot in an owners corporation, then the non-occupiable lot(s) is counted towards total lots under management for the purpose of membership category and fee;

  3. Where a lot is a member of more than one owners corporation in a plan of subdivision:

  • if all owners corporations of which the lot is a member are managed by the same manager, then the lot is counted once for the purpose of membership category and fee;

  • if any owners corporation(s) of which the lot is a member is managed by another manager, then the lot is counted once by each such manager for the purpose of membership category and fee. 


Occupiable Lot Model Pricing for Corporate Strata Management Company Membership

From zero lots to 1,290 lots - Minimum fee $900 (excl. GST)
Example: 900 lots = Fee $900 per annum (excl GST)

From 1,291 lots to 6,500 – number of lots $0.70 (excl. GST)
Example: 2,200 lots (2,200 x $0.70) = Fee $1,540 (excl. GST) per annum


For lots up to 6,500 - number of lots $ 0.70 (excl. GST) for the first 6,500 and those above are $0.53 (excl. GST)
Example: 8,000 lots (6,500 x $0.70) + (1,500 x $0.53) = Fee $5,345 (excl. GST) per annum


Who is covered under a Corporate Strata Management Company Membership?

Within the new membership structure, 100% of your employees nominated by yourself are included under your SCA Corporate Membership with no additional fees. This includes the Principal / Corporate Nominee, your Owners Corporation (Strata) Managers, your operations team from General Management through to Support Staff. Any staff who currently do not hold membership will still need to go through the application process and be approved by the SCA (Vic) Board.

Throughout the year you do not have to pay any additional fees to add or remove employees.

A requirement of Corporate Membership is that at least 80% of your Owners Corporation (Strata) Managers must hold Practising OC Manager membership.

All your employees linked to the Corporate Membership will receive a member discount to SCA education and events, along with access to free webinars held for members. 

Voting at SCA (Vic) Annual General Meeting


Voting is assigned to Individuals and not the Company.

Employees who are Corporate Nominee members, Practising Individual members, Strata Services Individual members, Honorary members, or Personal members are each entitled to one vote only.​

Affiliate (Support Staff) members are not entitled to voting at any meeting of SCA (Vic).


CPD Requirements


From 1 July 2021, the SCA (Vic) Board adopted the new national accreditation requirements whereby an accredited member (who holds post nominals) must achieve 24 CPD points over a 2 year period, unless they are a Fellow who must achieve 12 CPD points over a 2 year period.

To align with these requirements, the annual CPD requirement will then be 12 CPD points per annum to meet the 2 year requirement.


Practising (the Corporate Nominee) – to hold a corporate membership


12 CPD points MUST be achieved per annum


6 SCA CPD per annum MUST be achieved via SCA activities – the other 6 CPD can be achieved via SCA activities or external education or conference attendance


3 CPD MUST be achieved per quarter to keep the corporate membership current


By 30 September, you MUST have 3 CPD achieved


By 31 December, you MUST have 6 CPD - at least 3 CPD must be achieved via SCA activities for your membership to remain current


By 31 March, you MUST have 9 CPD achieved via SCA activities


By 30 June, you MUST have 12 CPD - at least 6 CPD must be achieved via SCA activities for your membership to be renewed


You will be able to vote at the AGM with 6 CPD points


Practising (not a Corporate Nominee)


6 CPD points MUST be achieved over the 12 month period


3 SCA CPD per annum MUST be achieved via SCA activities – the other 3 CPD can be achieved via SCA activities or external education or conference attendance


2 CPD MUST be achieved by the end of the first 3 quarters to remain practising


By 30 September, you MUST have 1 CPD achieved via SCA activities

By 31 December, you MUST have 2 CPD achieved via SCA activities

By 31 March, you MUST have 3 CPD achieved via SCA activities


You will be able to vote at the AGM with 6 CPD points


What are SCA Activities?


SCA activities include education seminars, symposium, eLearning, and contribution to the industry profession via sub-committees, taskforces, focus groups, and education trainers.  View and for access to SCA activities.


Membership Categories


Corporate Strata Management Company Membership is for a Company/Business practising in the business of Owners Corporation (Strata) Management (subject to eligibility and SCA (Vic) Board approval). Practising membership status is given to either the owner or principal of the company, or one of its nominated senior executives. This individual is the Corporate Nominee Practising member for the Corporate Strata Management Company Membership and must fulfil all requirements for membership as a Practising member. Should the nominated Practising member not fulfil the requirements, the Corporate Strata Management Company Membership will be cancelled, and all individual memberships linked to this Corporate Strata Management Company Membership will be cancelled until the status has been reinstated.


Practising Member (the Corporate Nominee) is an individual who is an owner or principal or an employee of a Corporate Strata Management Company Member and has achieved practical experience in Owners Corporation (Strata) Management acceptable by the Board or has attained such other academic qualifications. To become and maintain Practicing member status, the individual must have achieved the CPD points required within the first 12 months and continue to achieve this per financial year.


Practising Member (not the Corporate Nominee) is an individual who is an employee of a Corporate Strata Management Company Member. To maintain Practicing member status, the individual must have achieved the CPD points required within the first 12 months and continue to achieve this per financial year.

Affiliate Member is an individual who has an affiliation with the strata sector but is not employed as a practising Owners Corporation (Strata) Manager. Employees of a Corporate Strata Management Company Member who are not actively involved in Owners Corporation (Strata) Management (i.e. support team members) can hold Affiliate membership. Affiliate membership is also applicable for an Individual who has an affiliation with the strata sector like an Academic or Government representative.

Corporate Strata Services Company Membership is for a Company/Business that provides services to the strata industry other than an Owners Corporation (Strata) Management Company/Business (subject to eligibility and SCA (Vic) Board approval). Corporate Nominee membership status is given to either the owner or principal of the company, or one of its nominated senior executives. This individual is the Corporate Nominee for the Corporate Strata Services Company Membership.


Strata Services Individual Member is an individual who is an employee of a Corporate Strata Services Company Member. This category is for an individual that provides services to the strata industry other than an Owners Corporation (Strata) Management Company/Business.


Personal Member is an individual who is not working in the Company/Business of a Corporate Strata Management Company Member or a Corporate Strata Services Company Member (subject to eligibility and SCA (Vic) Board approval - each application will be considered on a case-by-case basis). Membership may be granted in special circumstances. A Personal Member is not required to be an employee or Principal of a Corporate Member.


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